Sunday, December 25, 2005

SO IT GOES: Naughty or Nice

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Anonymous said...

Naughty - definitely!

Zee Kewlmin said...

Does this mean Santa Works for the NSA or is it that George bush is Satan I mean Santa.

Anonymous said...

I think there's a secret message for the North Koreans on the president's forehead.



gary j. introne said...

That cartoon is so bogusly off the mark is makes me puke. There was, firstly, no 'wiretapping' per se. Secondly, you'd be the first, after something again happened, to pen a cartoon about how Bush and the boys slept all through the pre-attack period doing nothing, and why weren't we protected. Who the hell are who kidding, except maybe yourself? What is it the fuck that you want?

Gary Introne